These are a perfect addition to English and Maths challenge areas! This pack includes 10 learning mats for mixed ability. Can be used during golden time for those who need that little bit more!
They have been created in A3 size making it perfect for little ones to really engage with what they are doing. If laminated, can be used over and over again.
The learning mats cover Phonics/tracing letters, English (writing sentences) and basic Maths (addition and subtraction).
Ideal for EYFS/lower KS1
This mini monster activity book is perfect for those doing the topic Monsters. The differentiation in this pack makes it an excellent purchase. There is something for everyone and it is cross-curricular.
A selection of Addition and Subtraction winter themed booklets.
Please see each individual resource for more info.
Also includes my January Homework Pack for FREE!
This bundle consists of lots of flashcards for the Tolsby Frame.
Get started with Colour and Number Recognition, Number Bonds to 10, Phonics and Table Group Names!
Purchase the bundle and save over 40
These colour recognition cards show the colour name and an object/animal to match the colour.
These colour recognition cards fit the IKEA Tolsby Frames.
A collection of Games and Quizzes for End of Year. Includes my best selling Transition Day Fun Pack.
See each individual resource for information.
Difficulty levels vary on quizzes.
Massive End of Year Bundle! Includes Quizzes, Certificates, Memory Books and more!
Please see each individual resource for more information!
Save over 35% on this bundle today!
A collection of my best selling writing resources bundled together to make a Summer themed pack.
Check each resource and read the descriptions carefully!
Ideal for end of term, summer schools or summer camps!
Save 50% today!